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Quilting is done for this year.  See you all next fall.



Quilting is a parish effort.  As we have usually done , we start at 9 am, have coffee breaks, and potluck lunch at noon. Anyone is welcome to come.


We need quilters for cutting blocks, sewing them together to make tops or just join us for coffee to see if you might be interested or have ides or suggestions for us. We’d love to have you check us out.

Quilting 2023-24

Thank you to Oklee Quilting Supply, Inc. for their generous donations of materials and batting.


The quilting group made many quilts and they were blessed on April 21nd. Quilters were: Ione Nelson, LaVonne Brown, Ginny Stoneouse, Liz Follmann, and Loretta Syrtveit. Quilts are donated to a variety of organizations such as Violence Intervention Project, GF Mission, Clear Water Life Center in Clearbrook, VA.


Check out the pictures below of some of our quilts from this year.

Quilts Made in 2023-24
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