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Your Support Is Appreciated

Give Online

Donations and offerings may made online with the app.

By Mail

Offerings may be mailed to Oklee Lutheran Parish,  PO Box 56, Oklee, MN 56742.  We are thankful for any and all donations received.

Bank Transfer

 If you bank at Security State Bank in Oklee, you may call them to transfer funds.  We are thankful for any and all donations received.

support us

Volunteer readers are needed for Sunday Services.   At Salem signup in the entry.

Substitute pianist needed. Contact Chelsey Vettleson.

Be a Reader

Pastors appreciate having someone do the readings at the Sunday service.  Sign up a either church

Become a Volunteer
How You Can Help

Our churches can always use help in our WELCA groups, Sunday Schools, Youth Group, and during our church services as ushers, musicians or soloists. Our churches can use help in keeping our facilities clean and maintained.

To help please contact  Bonnie, parish secretary.  

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