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Salem WELCA meets on the first Wednesday of every month.  Our meetings consist of Bible Study using the Gather Magazine, followed by a business meeting and lunch. Occasionally we meet in someone's home, but normally it's at the church.

Salem WELCA Schedule

No January meeting. Next meeting is Feb. 5.

Nov Meeting Notes

We donated $300 to 
ELCA's Good Gifts program for Barnyard animals.  We received almost $150 in our noisy/quiet offering and the women matched that for a total of $300.

Scenes from WELCA Activities

Click to enlarge photos.

Salem WELCA Officers

President: Alice Hofstad

V President: Ginny Stoneouse

Treasurer: Diane Kolstoe

Secretary: Elaine McGeary

Altar Committee: See altar Committee Schedule below

Food Committee Chair:  Toni Johnson

WELCA Schedule
Salem  Altar Committee Schedule
Food Groups

December 2024 “In God’s garden: What fig trees teach us about Advent” by Hannah Hawkinson

This Advent, we’ll learn from some surprising teachers: fig trees. Astonishingly vibrant, fig trees have a zest for life. Their roots have even been known to bust through plumbing and climb walls like ivy! Yet fig trees also have a dormant period—a time when they do not grow or bear fruit. But this period of waiting and rest isn’t a time of waiting around. It’s a time of pruning and fertilizing and watering; a time to prepare for the fruitful season ahead. As we prepare the way of the Lord in this season, we are in our own dormant period of waiting and anticipation. Still, Jesus calls us to “keep awake” and to prepare ourselves for God’s coming. Join us to explore what fig trees can teach us about waiting and preparing for God’s coming!

Fall 2024 Bible Study;
a study of Ephesians
View the Session 3 video for Nov
Salem High School Graduate Recognition - Quilt Presentation

Graduating high school seniors Jamie Flatgard, Bryn Vettleson, Jordan Larson, and Peyton O'Neill were presented with quilts from the Salem WELCA. 


WELCA President Alice Hofstad reminded them that their faith journey began with baptism, followed with confirmation at Salem and to always keep Faith in their lives.  Graduation is a really exciting high point, but there will be lows and your faith with get you through it.  WELCA secreatry Elaine McGeary assisted with handing out the quilts.


Thank you to our quilters for the beautiful quilts.


After service everyone was invited downstairs for a reception.

Salem WELCA Scholarship Presentation

Salem WELCA awarded three $100 scholarships to seniors who applied.  As part of their application they had to write an essay about their faith journey. Scholarships were given to Jamie Flatgard,  Jordan Larson, and Peyton O'Neill.


During the presentation the students were asked to talk about their future plans.

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December Meeting

Our December meeting is a special one.  We have a program related to the Christmas message, a potluck, and a gift exchange.

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School Kits

One of our annual projects is the creation of school kits for Lutheran World Relief.  We purchase the supplies listed on the LWR website and several of our women sew the backpack bags.

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Other Activities

Our WELCA group provides financial support to students attending Pathways Bible camps, a scholarship of graduating senior,  ELCA Good Gifts program, North Country Food Bank, local food shelf, receptions for graduates & confirmants and much more.

About Us

We are a two-point parish serving the needs of a rural, agricultural community in northwestern Minnesota. Our heritage is of Scandinavian descent.

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Mailing Address 

Box 56

Oklee, MN 56742


Zion:  308 Lambert  St,  Oklee, MN

Salem:  29531 180th St SE,  Oklee, MN​


218-796-5128 Zion

no phone Salem


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